Converter Bitcoin to US Dollar

Online conversion BTC to USD
US Dollar
US Dollar
64 303USD
at the rate of 27 July 2024

The value of 1 Bitcoin in US Dollars today is 64 303 USD. Converter will help you convert 1 Bitcoin to US Dollars online and find out how much 1 Bitcoin to US Dollar today and other days.

Please keep in mind that you can specify any number of coins. Keep in mind that every currency has a maximum number of coins. This means that if bitcoin is limited to 21,000,000 coins you cannot buy 25,000,000 even if you really want to and have the money to do so.

Dynamics of 1 Bitcoin in US Dollars per week

Date1 BTC to USDChange, BTC (%)
26 July 2024 (Friday)67 439.61 +2063.74 3.06%
25 July 2024 (Thursday)65 375.87 -551.99 0.84%
24 July 2024 (Wednesday)65 927.86 -1656.94 2.51%
23 July 2024 (Tuesday)67 584.8 -568.18 0.84%
22 July 2024 (Monday)68 152.98 +988.07 1.45%
21 July 2024 (Sunday)67 164.91 +454.98 0.68%
20 July 2024 (Saturday)66 709.93 +2737.6 4.1%